Patch designs for every song from The Amazons' 3rd album, 'How Will I Know If Heaven Will Find Me?'. 'How Will I Know?' (above), depicting Brighton's ex-pier at sunset. (Below left to right): 'Bloodrush', a design taken from the music video; 'Say It Again', design coming from the lyric "Coffee stains your bedsheets, baby"; and 'There's A Light' based on the lyric "Always catch the light at different times".
(Above) 'Northern Star'. (Below, left to right): 'Wait For Me', "Left me with a taste of summer"; 'One By One' and 'Ready For Something'.
(Above) 'For The Night'. (Below, left to right): 'In The Morning'; and 'I'm Not Ready' - "Throw away the ticking clock".
These patches are now available with The Amazons' new album 'How Will I Know If Heaven Will Find Me?' - available here:

Designed & Illustrated by Chris Alderton

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